quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011

... don't know how to call this ...

Unhappilly we can't say what we really think 'cause bitches do exist -.-

And because they are real we must troll them as much as we can e.e

NOTHING is funnier than trolling a troll 'cause they'll never and i mean NEVER  will notice they're being trolled xD

A good troll is someone that knows how to troll people in a way that's friendly enough for them not to stop talking to you e.e

And when you you are a true troll you don't need to troll people all the time... you just troll the ones who deserve it xD

  • We sure do need to sleep more... we are nerds so we almost never sleep at night
  • We don't need more music... we need BETTER music
  • We need more tea... Oh do we??
  • We need more books... yep... good books are always welcome xD Just don't give me more crap like Twilight or you'll get so trolled that you'll go running to your mamma due to your stupidity -.- Oh god i hate it when people can't stand a troll -.-
  • We need more sunsets... yeah we do! Specially to watch them near a river *O* That's the way they look more beautiful
  • We need more creating... in fact what we need is so much more imagination *O*
  • We need more long walks... we need to walk until our heads are empty of fears and full of the tranquility a walk brings...
  • We need more laughter... anytime we laugh our lives seem bearable :)
  • We need more hugs... from the people we love the most 'cause they are the only ones that can love us the way we are <3
  • We need to dream more... and with a lot more quality 'cause dream brings idea and ideas bring evolution :)
  • We need more roadtrips with our loved ones... they are a way to bring people toghether ^^
  • We need more fun and to have fun with the most important people to us ^^
  • We need more love... or to love more... To be more loving to other people... well we have to be toghether 'cause we live in a community...

Oh! I would be so fucked up sometimes xD
I'm a perv so... it means that people love or hate me... so they don't really need to read my mind to know i'm not thinking anything good e.e
Well but the ones i hate would not... but REALLY not like me to speak up what i really think of them... for me it would be fun but for them it would be kinda disappointing to know that i wouldn't mind to grab a shotgun and kill them all... or to let them live their lives as if they never existed in mine...
Despair is the worst thing you can give to a bully! Believe me, i know many and none of them likes to be despaired... they need to be feared or loved and if they're not they just destroy everything they touch...

BULLYS LOVE DESTRUCTION... everyone's but their own... That's why all of them must die ore be killed... or, if we don't wanna stain our hands, despaired and destructed mentally xD

This is why strong people fake smiles... or just smile the most happilly they can... though they are not feeling it they pretend they are and people buy it...

A fake smile is like a fake emotion... in fact it is a fake emotion xD

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