segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2012

desabafo #20

É como dizer a alguém com problemas psicológicos que os tem e se devia tratar... essas pessoas sabem-no mas a decisão de procurar ou não tratamento é APENAS sua e não deve ser forçada... afinal mesmo não sendo maiores de idade temos sempre direito a recusar tratamento desde que o adulto responsável por nós aceite a nossa decisão e assine um termo de responsabilidade pronunciando-se em conformidade com ela...

A hug means more than anything to someone in need...

I love HUGS <3

A story with hugs means more to me than a thousand stories with lots of crying and broken hearts... but at the same time is a lot more emotional and is waaaaaaay sweeter to me <3

Random hugs are the best and make everyone feel better and to me... well to me they mean the world and even more <3

Weeeeeeeell... i Hate feeling like this but i do feel it lots of times and i sincerely regret it... it's just that i can't help feeling that way...

The bad thing is that everyone things i'm clingy... it's not really that... it's more that i love them so much that i'm afraid to lose them if i let go of them even for a minute (i know i am annoying when i do that kind of things but as i always say "Don't like don't touch, other people like more than you")

If talking about guys one thing we should know is that they never realize anything until it slips away from them... it's sad but true so get over it!

Like i always tell my friend Marcia: One shall never love a boy more than one loves him or herself...that means that you can trust but you shall never depend on someone other than you to carry on with your life... More about surviving than living is what i always say... just let them go on with their lives and go on with yours like nothing else matters. This doesn't mean you shall not love, it only means you shall always value yourself above anything!!

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